Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tomorrow's The Day

Here We Go!!

April 25, 2009

Today has been an interesting day. My body seems to be cleaning itself out in preparation for tomorrow. I've been sick most of the day, and really apprehensive about the surgery tomorrow.
It is scheduled for 1pm, however, the charge nurse has just informed me they aren't too busy tomorrow and so the surgery may be earlier.

I am grateful for the really great nurses here at Winnie, and even more grateful that Dr. Kim will be able to perform the C-section tomorrow.

I got some visitors today, and boy was that a nice change. The time here has passed faster than expected. I came on a Monday, and here it is, Saturday...the day before Jimmy comes. Hopefully I will be here only for the standard 3 days post-op, and with even more luck, Jimmy will come home with us!!

He's not been moving a TON today, but there has been an increase in contractions, so I know he's getting ready. After the day I had today, I wouldn't be surprised if I go into pre-labor, just because I said that, he'll make me into a liar :)

I've been passing the time making hair bows for Elise, lots of them. Between that and resting because of feeling so sick, the day has flown by.

I miss Brian and Elise. It's been hard to be away from them for so long. This is the longest I've ever been away from them both...and it's more difficult than I imagined. They are my world, and I realize being in the hospital how easy it is to take for granted the people you love with your whole heart. I've learned from this experience to make the most of the time you have with the ones you love. It is hard to be without them, and it is easy to forget how much you really depend on their love to make it through the day.

I am continually grateful for those friends and family who have helped us during this time...either watching Elise, visiting, calling or just praying for Jimmy and me. I love you all, and can't wait to bring Jimmy to you!


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