So it's not a week later, it's a month...and what a month it has been! Here is what has happened in March:
The house here in Orlando is coming along. For the most part the interior is probably 75% finished. There is still so much to do. The thing I realize in a smaller house is how impossible it is to hide any kind of mess. It is so obvious because there is so much less room to occupy your field of vision. Because of that, I feel constantly that I have to clean or pick up after everyone. As we settle, I'm sure things will work themselves out into a routine and I won't be so crazy over every little thing! Jimmy's room is almost done and with the boys coming for 6 weeks in the summer, it will be interesting to see what happens in such smaller living quarters.
Like I mentioned earlier, Elise got really sick, bronchitis and conjunctivitis, with a 105.9 fever that was really difficult to break. After finally getting her to take her medicine, by bribing her to go outside and play on the new swing Brian bought her, she got better…and then I got sick. I’ve been chasing this cough away now for 2 weeks and it is letting up now. I feel like I can take moderately deep breaths, which I generally take and take for granted. I generally take all of my health for granted because I feel like I’m always at some doctor’s office for something. How important it is to remember how blessed we are every day, for every thing we take for granted!!!
We had an ultrasound for Jimmy and he is in the 20th percentile which means I don’t have to go on steroids or bed rest! He’s supposed to be 4 lbs, but is measuring 2 lbs. they’ll do another ultrasound in 2 weeks to make sure he’s growing okay. However, the way I’m feeling, I’m not sure he’ll still be in here in 2 weeks. Every day I have stronger contractions and I know I’m getting bigger because I have finally had to break out the serious maternity clothes. There are some great things to look forward to for the birth of this baby and I have to try to focus on those because there are a few things that terrify me…Jimmy’s health and condition, whether he’ll be able to come home with me, the c-section, recovery, labor etc.
Bottom line is, I can't help wondering if I go into labor early, who will be here for Elise, or if Brian will be out of town when I go into labor and it’s just Elise and I…and I can’t drive if I’m in horrible labor! I’m such a worrier. I’m sure things will work out just they way they ought to. Brian and I both felt like I needed to pack my maternity bags yesterday and so I did that this morning (April 16th) It made the realization that I’m having a new baby in the house so much more tangible. He’s a mover. He sits low, he dropped about a month ago and is just hangin’ out waiting for the day. We have a c-section scheduled for June 1, but who knows if I will really make it that far. If I do, it is a miracle of God.
It seems everyone will be out of town or unavailable for some reason or another in the months of late April and May. I know Mom will be out of town, Kea will be, Nyla and Ken will be also at some point for their vacationing. On top of that, other things have been happening that are difficult to manage. Steve and Meriah had an emergency surgery (okay, so that was unavoidable and a horrible tragedy at that) Seth got a new job that is keeping him very busy, and Dad had a knee surgery scheduled. Sometimes it just hits everyone all at once, and really slams us all, doesn't it?
I am actually posting this blog from Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando 6 days after I wrote this. I just haven't had the time to post the blog until now!! I'll keep going, this is a LONG post!
Here is what the latest run down is:
I’m sitting here in the hospital…and not the hospital I imagined I’d be in for this pregnancy. Yesterday at 3 pm, my water broke. I had just finished running errands before I went to my OB appointment. The nurse casually said, oh, 2 more weeks and you can deliver at this hospital. I didn’t realize the weight of that statement until later. When I saw the doctor, I told him I was having more contractions and it felt like pre-labor. He said to not worry about it, and then when I got home, it took a matter of minutes before a huge gush of water came…and kept coming. I called the doctor and they told me to come to the hospital.
We got to the hospital and they told me oh, we don’t have a NICU, so you have to be transported to a different hospital, Winnie Palmer or Florida Hospital because they have a NICU and you are only 33 weeks pregnant. I was looking so forward to delivering at Celebration. I was really looking forward to working with Dr. Kim, not some stranger in some other hospital. I felt so frustrated.
After different measures were taken to prevent the labor from progressing this is what was determined:
Jimmy is measuring very small, about 3 weeks earlier than he should, meaning he looks like he's 30 weeks, not 33. Every measure is being taken to try to get him to develop as much as possible.
I am to be on fluids, anti-biotics, steroids and bed rest until one of these three happens: infection—leading to immediate c-section, full blown labor—if they can’t stop it, they’ll go to the c-section, or Monday, on which day I will be 34 weeks, and that marks the time they are comfortable having Jimmy taken out, and able to breathe on his own. They have scheduled the c-section for Monday, so at the latest, I should be out of here by Thursday, if not sooner. For Jimmy’s sake, I hope it’s Thursday and I really hope he’ll be healthy enough to come home with me. Neonatal has told me though, I should not get my hopes up for that...and that I should shoot more for the due date for his homecoming. I think I'll be doing a lot of commuting if that is the case.
Kea has been great. She took Elise last night and let her sleep over so Brian could stay with me...then to Blizzard Beach with cousin Eden for a fun day!
Gratefully, Nyla will come until Friday to spend the nights with Brian and Elise so he can work and do his thing at home. There is no reason for him AND I to be stuck here. Everyone who has been able to help out, has really boosted my spirits so much and I am so grateful for the phone calls and all of the help you have been to Brian, Elise and I. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Because of how much time I have, if I find out anything else, I of course will let everyone know, posting emails or blogs...but I'd come to the blog first! If you've forgotten what it is, here you go:
The direct line to my hospital room in ante-pardum is 321-843-0502 . I'm in room 5112, in tower 5, until the delivery, which for Jimmy's sake I pray will be on Monday and not any sooner.
Thanks again to everyone!!
What hospital are you at? I'm confused. Do you want visitors? Do you want me to babysit Elise for a few hours sometime?
I appreciate the offer. If family for some reason is unable to in a pinch, it is great to know you are willing to watch Elise for a few hours. Thank you!!
I am in 5112 at Winnie Palmer. Visitors are surely welcome, but I understand how busy everyone is.
Hope you're well!
Thanks again :)
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